Senior Fitness: What You Need to Know Before Working Out


running for fitnessStaying active is integral to being fit and healthy, and this is why seniors are encouraged to exercise. Though it has physical advantages, it can also impact the bones and joints, especially for people in the older age groups. If you’re a senior who wants to maintain an active lifestyle, here’s what you need to know before you hit the gym or get into a new exercise program.

1. Begin carefully.

You may be excited to start working out again, but make sure you consult your doctor first before you begin a rigorous physical routine, especially if you haven’t been physically active for a while.

It’s essential to set your pace. Start at a low level of activity and gradually work your way up so that you will not cause strain on your body.

2. Discuss your exercise plan with your doctor.

Go over your exercise plan with your doctor and allow him or her to check if your current physical state can handle the kind of exercise you want to do. If not, seek his or her advice on what activities are more fit with your current condition. Meet with your doctor regularly so you can monitor your progress and make changes in your exercise program if necessary.

Likewise, a doctor’s consultation prior to exercising is a must for people who experience chest pains, irregular heartbeats and shortness of breath. The same goes for individuals who have foot sores, pain due to falls and eye conditions. These can get in the way of proper working out and may even cause further injuries and illness.

3. Set your goals.

Writing down things that you want to achieve can help you stay focused on staying fit and active. Let’s face it, working out requires discipline and there are days when you need an extra ounce of motivation just so you can move forward. Having goals can help you stay on track.

When you set goals, make sure to keep them specific and realistic. Look at what you want to achieve and see how your abilities can help you in doing that. Factor in your limitations too.

When setting your goals, experts advise marking your starting point and creating short-term and long-term goals. Short-term goals can be achieved in a few weeks. For instance, you can increase your physical activity or try a new exercise within a span of a few weeks. On the other hand, long-term goals can be achieved in a matter of six months to two years from when you began. For example, you can aim lower your blood pressure in six months.

Staying active is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. But in order for your exercise program to be effective, make sure that it is aligned to your needs and current fitness level, and the three steps mentioned will help you do that.

Image Credit: Flickr

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