
Five Warning Signs that You’re Being Too Frugal


Practicing frugality is one of the ways that you can boost your savings. However, when taken to an extreme level, thriftiness can result to major financial setbacks and may even cause you to spend more money in the long run. When does frugality become a financial threat? Here are five warning signs that it has … Continued

saving coins

How to Determine the Size of Your Emergency Fund


An emergency fund is necessary, but the question is how much you need to put in it? Here are factors you need to consider.

red flags

Four Red Flags that Lead to Bad Financial Decisions


If you’re about to make a major move that involves your finances, here are four warning signs that you should watch out for.

2015 resolution

New Year’s Resolution: Build an Emergency Fund


The beginning of the year is the time when people look back, evaluate the last 12 months, and resolve to make some aspects of their lives better. If being financially fit is part of your goals in 2015, building an emergency fund is a must for you.

savings account

The Ideal Savings Account Based on Your Age


To help you maximize your money and boost your savings, here are different types of savings account that are suitable for particular age brackets.

Young Employee

10 Financial Rules for Young Adults


Various studies and surveys show that 62 percent of people under 30 are experiencing financial instability. Young adults can easily avoid being a part of that statistic through practicing proper money management early.


How to Buy Long-Term Care Insurance on a Budget


Long term care is a must-have policy because it provides coverage from one of the biggest possible expense that a person may have in retirement. If you want to get insured without breaking the bank, here’s how you can make your premiums affordable.

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